perm filename FACTS[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#537644 filedate 1980-09-25 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	Representing various things in RLL
C00007 00003		***** Fact # 1.*****
C00010 00004		***** Fact # 2.*****
C00014 00005		***** Fact # 3.*****
C00020 00006		***** Fact # 4.*****
C00023 00007		***** Fact # 5.*****
C00026 00008		***** Fact # 6.*****
C00028 00009		***** Fact # 7.*****
C00030 00010		***** Fact # 8.*****
C00032 00011		***** Fact # 9.*****
C00034 00012		***** Fact # 10.*****
C00039 00013		***** Fact # 11.*****
C00043 00014		***** Fact # 12.*****
C00044 00015		***** Fact # 13.*****
C00046 00016		***** Fact # 14.*****
C00048 00017		***** Fact # 15.*****
C00049 00018		***** Fact # 16.*****
C00050 00019		***** Fact # 17.*****
C00052 00020		***** Fact # 18.*****
C00055 00021		***** Fact # 19.*****
C00056 00022		***** Fact # 20.*****
C00057 00023		***** Fact # 21.*****
C00061 00024		***** Fact # 22.*****
C00064 00025		***** Fact # 23.*****
C00065 00026		***** Fact # 24.*****
C00069 00027		***** Fact # 25.*****
C00072 00028		***** Fact # 26.*****
C00074 00029		***** Fact # 27.*****
C00075 ENDMK
Representing various things in RLL


There are several obvious problems with  showing the set of symbols  which
we claim "represent"  some fact.   First, these  symbols are  semantically
meaningful only  with  respect  to  some interpreter.   For  a  system  as
versatile as RLL,  the same unit  may have many  "meanings", depending  on
which interpreter is being used --  and this decision is based largely  on
the second  issue:  determining what  problem  or type  of  problem  (e.g.
answering questions, or performing deductions,) we are trying to solve.

(As an extreme example, any of these systems could claim the quoted string
of characters represents each of these  statements; and if their only  use
was as examples of English words, this would be quite adequate.)

In RLL, this is not as much a problem as it is in other systems, as things
like the  interpreter  are  themselves  explicitly  represented.   In  the
examples which follow, I  will try to indicate  the question this fact  is
trying answer, and  provide some idea  of the interpreter  which would  be


1. "U:S" refers to value of the S slot of the unit, U.

2. A unit will be shown as

     Slot-1:	Value-1
     Slot-2:	Value-2
       :		  :
     Slot-N:	Value-N

  where Slot-i is the name of a slot, whose value is  Value-i. (i.e.
  TheUnit:Slot-i = Value-i). This unit, TheUnit, may also have other slots not

3. Specifying some Value-i using the form "[...]" means
  I am writing an easy to read description, rather than one this RLL would actually
  be able to understand.

4. Units of the form ___#0032 are used to indicate an arbitrarily named
  (ala GENSYMed) unit,
  whose interpretation should be clear from information found on this unit.

	Naming convention:

 Any--- refers to the class of ---'s  (eg AnyBuilding)
 Typical--- refers to a typical member of such a class (eg the facts
	stored on TypicalBuilding are defaults for what to expect for buildings
	in general.)
 My--- refers to a syntactic slot.

[Greiner] - "RLL-1, A Representation Language Language", HPP-Memo-9, September 1980
[Lenat, Hayes-Roth, Klahr] - "Cognitive Economy", 6-IJCAI
[Stefik] - PhD Thesis, Stanford University, June 1979.

	***** Fact # 1.*****
1.  M6-3 feeds into M6-2.

Q: What does M6-3 feed into?

Solution: (GetValue 'M6-3 'FeedsInto), which returns M6-2.

Start with units representing M6-3 and M6-2 (each of which is a member  of
AnyManhole); and then set the  value of the FeedsInto  slot of M6-3 to  be
the value of M6-2 -- i.e.  M6-3:FeedsInto ← M6-2.

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsInto:	(M6-2)

     Isa:	(AnyManhole)
     FeedsFrom:	(M6-3)

     Examples:		(M6-2, M6-3, ...)
     Description:	This represents the class of all manholes.

We additionally must  have a  unit to  represent the  "FeedsInto" type  of
slot.  This too is easy  - and this bundle  of knowledge holds facts  like
The value of x:FeedsInto must be a list of manholes, the only x for  which
x:FeedsInto is defined  is a manhole,  and that if  x:FeedsInto = y,  then
y:FeedsFrom = x (i.e. FeedsInto:Inverse = FeedsFrom).

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This slot maps from manholes to manholes.
     Inverse:		FeedsFrom
     Definition:	(λ (u ) [Find the pipe, P, to which this manhole connects.
				 See which pipes, p-i, this P connects to.
				 Return the list m-i, where each m-i is connected
				 to pipe p-i.]

Note - the definition of a slot indicates how to deduce its value --  i.e.
S:Definition is a function, F,  whose value, (F u),  is the value to  fill

	***** Fact # 2.*****
2. All permanent storage tanks are diked.

[Question: Is this to say by definition all permanent storage tanks are diked,
 or that they just happen to be?
 I wil assume the latter: ]

A quick and dirty solution is:

     Description:	This represents the class of all permanent storage tanks
     TypicalExample:	TypicalPermanentStorageTank
     SubClass:		AnyStorageTank

     Description:	This represents a typical permanent storage tanks --
   			 its values are default values for p.s.t.'s in general
     TypicalExampleOf:	AnyPermanentStorageTank
     Diked?:	      	T

  [Note that the Description, TypicalExample and TypicalExampleOf slots are already
defined in RLL; and I'm assuming the boolean value "Diked?" slot was already in
existence when this question was posed.]

This solution does require the existence of two seemingly unnatural units,
one to represent the  class of permanent storage  tanks, and the other  to
describe the type  permanent storage  tank.  Another problem  is that  the
slots on that TypicalPermanentStorageTank  are really supposed to  contain
default values of these p.s.t.s, not definitional one.  Another  solution,
which makes these things explicit, uses a (universal) variable:  (It  also
spares   us    from    having    to   create    the    fairly    unnatural
...PermanentStorageTanks units)

     Description:	This represents the class of all permanent storage tanks
     UnivElements:	(x)

     UnivIsa:		(AnyStorageTank)
     MyDefiningSlots:	(UnivIsa TimeOfStorage)
     MyAssertionalSlots: (Diked?)
     Description:	All facts stored here are true for ALL p.s.t.'s.
     TimeOfStorage:	Permanent
     Diked?:		T

The slots of the x unit above indicate that x is defined as a  universally
quantified member of AnyStorageTank which is permanent. Furthermore,  each
such member is diked. In predicate calculus:

	∀x. x:UnivIsa = (AnyStorageTank) &  x:TimeOfStorage = Permanent 
		=> x:Diked? = T

The    matching    algorithm    knows    to    examine    the    set    of
AnyStorageTank:UnivElements whenever  some  question is  asked  concerning
members of some subset of this class.

	***** Fact # 3.*****
3. Oil spilling into water causes a sheen.
  Here we need the oft-lampooned event units:

     Description:	This refers to the event of oil spilling into water.
     GenlE:		(Event#3, ...)
     CausesE:		(Event#2)
     Substance1:	Oil
     Substance2:	Water

     Description:	This refers to the event of a sheen forming on water
     GenlE:		(Event#4, ...)
     CausedByE:		(Event#1)
     OnSubstance:	Water
     Appearance:	Sheen

For perspective, we include a few over the more general units, referred to above:

     Description:	This refers to the event of one fluid enterring another.
     GenlE:		(Event#5, ...)
     SpecE:		(Event#1, ...)
     Substance1:	[Any fluid]
     Substance2:	[Any fluid]

     Description:	This refers to the event of some change in appearance of
	  		   some quantity liquid.
     GenlE:		(Event#3, ...)
     SpecE:		(Event#2, ...)
     OnSubstance:	[Any fluid]
     Appearance:	[Any feature]

The various  event-relating  slots,  such as  GenlE,  SpecE,  CausesE  and
CausedByE, are already defined;  (see bottom of page)  and point to  event
units which are  more general, more  specific, the results  and causes  of
some event unit.  Note all of these may point to a set of values -- i.e. a
unit representing Event#2  would also  qualify as a  specialization of  an
event referring to a sheen forming on some arbitrary liquid.

The slots Substance1  and Substance2 would  have to be  defined, as  would
OnSubstance and  Appearance.  While  we would  not expect  any general  KB
(knowledge base) to come  equipped with things as  specific as Event#1  or
Event#2, we  might  expect to  find  something like  Event#3,  and  almost
certainly Event#4.   Even something  like  Event#4 is  not as  general  as
possible -  it  specializes  the  ChangeInSomeSubstance  event  unit,  for

Two final comments: 1) The  Event#2-- units are by  no means the limit  of
specificity:  It is more general than OilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOC, which,
in      turn,       can       be       further       restricted       into
MachineOilFromPipe93SpillingIntoWOCAfterOutFall93,    (which    can     be
restricted  to   DayOldMachineOil#2FromPipe93'sFirstOutletSpillingIntoWOC-
AfterOutFall93onAug23, ...)  The  second point, which  was never  conveyed
during the  workshop,  was  that  these  units  are  not  simply  produced
arbitrarily.  The idea is, whenever you  have something to say about  some
event, one can then create a unit  to hold this information.  If the  fact
is general,  it should  go on  a  general event  unit, which  enables  its
descendants to inherit these facts, via  the GenlE link.  For example,  we
need to store the fact that "Oil spilling into water causes a sheen"  just
once, (shown above); and we will now expect to find a sheen on every water
area associated with each more specialized unit.

Each of the slot  types SpecE, GenlE, CausesE  and CausedBy have the  same
basic form:  e.g.:

     Description:	This points from an event to those events which are more
	  		  general -- i.e. have fewer specifics specified.
     Datatype:		[Descendant of AnyEvent]
     Format:		[Set of values]
     MakeSenseFor:	[Descendant of AnyEvent]
     Inverse:		SpecE

	***** Fact # 4.*****
4. The types of countermeasures taken are a boom at Wier1 and skimmer at

Here we can use the same event units, using the PreventedByE slot to point
from this  problem  (which requires  these  countermeasures) to  the  list
(Event#8 Event#9).
(Note PreventedByE:Inverse = InhibitsE.)

     Description:	This is the problem which necessitated these countermeasures
   		 - eg an oil spill at some location.
     PreventedByE:	(Event#8 Event#9)

     Description:	Place a boom at Wier1.
     InhibitesE:	(Event#7)
     GenlE:		(Event#10)
     Object:		Boom#003
     Location:		Weir1

     Description:	Place a skimmer at Wier2.
     InhibitesE:	(Event#7)
     GenlE:		(Event#11)
     Object:		Skimmer#005
     Location:		Weir2

For context, we include the more general event units:

     Description:	Place a boom somewhere.
     SpecE:		(Event#8)
     GenlE:		(Event#12)
     Object:		[Any Boom]
     Location:		[Any Location]

     Description:	Place a skimmer somewhere.
     SpecE:		(Event#9)
     GenlE:		(Event#12)
     Object:		[Any Skimmer]
     Location:		[Any Location]

     Description:	Place an object somewhere.
     SpecE:		(Event#10 Event#11)
     Object:		[Any Object]
     Location:		[Any Location]

	***** Fact # 5.*****
5. Oil sometimes spills out of broken machinery.

The real problem here is the  modality "sometimes". To represent this,  we
use the PossiblyCausesE (resp. PossiblyCausedByE)  type of slot, which  is
analogous to the  CausesE (resp.  PossiblyCausesE) type of  slot; and,  in
fact, y ε x:CausesE => y ε x:PossiblyCausesE.  (resp.  y ε x:CausedByE  =>
y  ε   x:PossiblyCausedByE).    Of   course,   PossiblyCausesE:Inverse   =

     Description:	The event of a machine breaking.
     PossiblyCausesE:	(Event#14)
     GenlE:	   	(Event#15)
     AffectedObj:	[Any machine]
     WhatHappened:	"It broke"

     Description:	The event of oil spilling from a machine.
     PossiblyCausedByE: (Event#13)
     GenlE:	      	(Event#17)
     Substance:	  	[Any oil]
     FromLocation:	[Any machine]

As usual, the more general objects:
     Description:  The event of some object breaking.
     GenlE:	   (Event#16)
     SpecE:	   (Event#13)
     AffectedObj:  [Any object]
     WhatHappened: "It broke"

     Description:   The event of something spontaneously happening to an object.
			i.e NOT due to some external reasons 
			(so "old age" would qualify)
     SpecE:	   (Event#13)
     AffectedObj:  [Any object]
     WhatHappened: "It broke"

     Description:  The event of some liquid spilling.
     GenlE:	   (Event#18)
     SpecE:	   (Event#14)
     Substance:	   [Any liquid]
     FromLocation: [Any location]

	***** Fact # 6.*****
6. Many inventory lists are incomplete.

Here, the problem is with the "many" modifier.
A solution which begs that subissue is:

     Description:		This represents the class of all inventory lists.
     IntentionalSubClass:	(AnyIncompleteInventoryList)

     Description:	This represents the class of all incomplete inventory lists.
     SuperClass:	(AnyInventoryList)
     TypicalExample:	TypicalIIL
     RelativeSize:	Many
     MyDefiningSlots:	(SuperClass TypicalExample)
     MyAssertionalSlots: (RelativeSize)

     Description:	This represents a typical incomplete inventory list.
     TypicalExampleOf: 	AnyIncompleteInventoryList
     Complete?:		False

The semantics of IntentionalSubClass implies AnyIncompleteInventoryList  ⊂
AnyInventoryList, and each member has some additional constraints.   (This
same mechanism  could have  been used  to  state that,  say, 83%,  of  all
inventory lists are incomplete.)

	***** Fact # 7.*****
7. Water flows through a pipe at 0.5 ft/sec.

     Description:	This represents the typical pipe.
     TypicalExampleOf:	AnyPipe
     FlowRate:		0.5 ft/sec

Purist may argue that all I've stated  is that the default speed of  water
flow is 0.5ft/sec.  Well, that depends  on the definition  of FlowRate  --
perhaps this slot  is defined  such that the  value of  U:FlowRate is  the
value of T:FlowRate, where T  is the prototypes (i.e. nearest  appropriate
typical example) to U, whenever U is an individual; or otherwise the value
actually stored on the U unit otherwise.

Alternatively, we could create  a new variable, x,  which is a  "universal
member" of  AnyPipe, and  show  here that  the  flow rate  is  necessarily

     Description:  This represents the class of all pipes.
     UnivElements: (x)

     UnivIsa:	       (AnyPipe)
     MyDefiningSlots:  (UnivIsa)
     MyRefiningSlots:  (FlowRate)
     Description:      Facts stored here are true for ALL pipes.
     FlowRate:	       0.5 ft/sec

	***** Fact # 8.*****
8. If the chemical is HF, then tell the observer not to breathe it.

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     IfTrulyRelevant:	((EQ 'Chemical `HF))
     ThenTellUser:	"Do not breath chemical!!"
     Priority:		High
     OnTask:		ImminentDanger

     Description: This task tries to find if the current situation is
	  		 dangerous; and if so, suggest solutions/fixes/alternatives.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     RuleList:	  (Rule#332, ...)

Of course, to see how this would work would require showing the interpreter
which would process this rule 
(as well as the interpreter used for this task).
This information is stored explicitly (and fairly declaritively) on various
units -- for example, TypicalTask and TypicalRule have expressions which serve
as default values for the components of such functions,
while the units which represent various
slots, such as HowToProcess, describe the details relating how to assemble these
functions. See the RLL memo [Greiner] for further specifics.

	***** Fact # 9.*****
9. When attempting to find the source of a spill in the creek, look for the
chemical in the manhole nearest the creek.

     Isa:		(AnyTask)
     Description:	This task tries to find the source of a spill.
     RuleSet:		(Rule#209...)

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     OnTask:		(LocateSource)
     Description:	This rule suggests how to find the source, by looking in
			 an appropriate manhole.
     IfPotentiallyRelevent:	((Unknown 'SourceLoc))
     IfTrulyRelevent:	((EQ 'SpillObserved 'Creek))
     ThenTellUser:	"Look in the manhole nearest the creek."

NOTE: If the purpose of the rule was to actually determine which manhole to examine,
it might make sense to change Rule#209 by replacing its ThenTellUser with
"Look in the manhole nearest the creek. I'll tell you which manhole in a second."
and adding the slot
     ThenAddToAgenda:	(FindBestManhole),

where FindBestManhole is a task which will tell the user which manhole to examine,
if necessary.

	***** Fact # 10.*****
10. For all oil spills, if there are limited human resources, do the containment
before locating the source.

     Description:	    This is used to order tasks, for the spill problem.
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: [AND (Trying to order tasks)
				 (This is a spill problem)]
     IfTrulyRelevant:	    ((EQ 'ManPower 'Limited)
			     (EQ 'SpillType 'Oil))
     ThenOrderTasks:	    [Put Containment before LocateSource]
     OnTask:		    OrderTasksForSpillProblem
     Specificity:	    200

     Description:  This task suggests ways to contain a spill.
     Isa:	   (AnyTask)
     Priority:	   369

     Description:   This task tries to find the location of a spill.
     Isa:	    (AnyTask)
     Priority:	    44

     Description: This system-level task is responsible for ordering the tasks run.
		    Note it is in another, meta-level, bin from the other
		    tasks, and so its priority level is incomparable with theirs.
     Isa:	  (AnyTask)
     Priority:	  210

[Specificity will be defined on the  next page.]  In fact, Rule#261  might
have  been  derived  from  a  more  general  heuristic,  which   suggested
performing the more urgent things before the less timely; and noting  this
heuristic is especially relevant when there  is reason to believe not  all
of the tasks will get a chance.

     Description:	    This is used to order tasks.
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: [AND (Trying to order tasks)
				 (Not all tasks will be done)]
     ThenOrderTasks:	    [Put tasks in order of ascending priority.]

Note the  "Priority" slot  may be  computed  from a  host of  things.   It
should, for  example, use  the fact  that the  spill type  is oil  in  its
calculation; such that the the relative Priority of Containment is  higher
than LocateSource.   In  fact,  some  rule like  Rule#261  might  even  be
detrimental in cases where  you need to determine  the source to learn  of
the type  of  spill, as  this  rule might  end  up postponing  this  spill
location task.

Better whould be using the priority scheme as it stands, and have Rule#261
simply increase the value of  Containment:Priority, whenever the spill  is
oil; and increase it more when human resources are scarce.

Needless to say,  much of  the smarts  of this  comes from  the fact  that
EURISKO, (on top of RLL,) knows when to run these various rules - but this
too is described in the units, (as well as in the RLL memo [Greiner].)

	***** Fact # 11.*****
11. If the spill is gushing, locate the source before trying to contain it.

Again, the difficulty  of this rule  is primarily in  assuring that it  be
called in correct time -- ie when  deciding which task to next run.  This,
of course, requires knowledge of how the interpreter must work - as one of
the interpreter's chores is finding the rules necessary to determine which
tasks to process, and in what order.  Modulo this, we would represent  the
above fact:

     Description:	    This is used to order tasks, for the spill problem.
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: [AND (Trying to order tasks)
				 (This is a spill problem)]
     IfTrulyRelevant:	    ((EQ 'CurrentState 'Gushing))
     ThenOrderTasks: 	    [Put Locatesource before Containment]
     OnTask:		    OrderTasksForSpillProblem
     Specificity:	    523

Things like the conflict resolution  scheme become important if ever  both
this Rule#443 and the earlier  Rule#261 are triggered. One solution  would
be to use the more specific. So here, seeing Rule#443:Specificity = 523 is
greater that Rule#261:Specificity  = 200, we  take Rule#443's advice  over
Rule#261.  This specificity should be calculated  - but how to do that  is
another problem.  (Alternatively we  could assign such values  statically,
for a simpler, but less interesting solution.)

Again, it would seem better to use the approach mentioned in the  previous
page; which, here, would have  Rule#443 actually diminish the Priority  of
Containment as one of its Then parts; rather than use the  ThenOrderTasks.
Rule#443 was  shown in  the form  above  only because  this is  a  "direct
translation" of the fact posed.

Note that in RLL all of these schemes can be implemented; and the user  is
left only with the task  of deciding which is  the most appropriate --  as
opposed to how  can I bend  the single control  system to accomodate  this

	***** Fact # 12.*****
12. If a flammable liquid is spilled, call the fire department.

This is fairly straightforward:

     Description:	    This suggests calling the fire dept if liquid flammable.
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: ((Known 'SpilledLiquid))
     IfTrulyRelevant:	    ((Apply 'Flammable 'SpilledLiquid))
     ThenTellUser:	    "Call fire department!"
     OnTask:		    ImminentDanger
     Specificity:	    854

	***** Fact # 13.*****
13. Any two sources will flow into a common pipe.

I interpret this fact as meaning:
∀ s1, s2 ε Sources. ∃ p0 ε Pipes. FlowInto(s1 p0) & FlowsInto(s2 p0).

     Description:	This refers to the class of all sources.
     UnivElements:	(s1 s2)

     Description:	This refers to the class of all pipes.
     ExistElements:	(p0)

     Description:	This is the skolem variable, p0 = f(s1, s2) mentioned above.
     ExistIsa:		(AnyPipe)
     FlowsFrom:		(s1 s2)
     SkolemOf:		(s1 s2)
     MyDefiningSlots:	(ExistIsa FlowsFrom)

     Description:	This is one of the sources mentioned above.
     UnivIsa:		(AnySource)
     FlowsInto:		p0
     MyDefiningSlots:	(UnivIsa)

     Description:	This is the other source mentioned above.
     UnivIsa:		(AnySource)
     FlowsInto:		p0
     MyDefiningSlots:	(UnivIsa)

Note - ExistIsa and ExistElements are the existential counterparts to
UnivIsa and UnivElements.

	***** Fact # 14.*****
14. There's a tank outside building 3035 with a dike around it.

I interpret this data as meaning
∃ t1 ε Tank. Outside(t1 B3035) & Dike?(t1 T).

     Description:	This refers to the class of all tanks.
     ExistElements:	(t1)

     Description:	This is that tank.
     ExistIsa:		(AnyTank)
     OutsideBldg:	B3035
     Diked?:		T
     MyDefiningSlots:	(ExistIsa OutsideBldg Diked?)

A second interpretation is
∀ t1 ε Tank. Outside(t1 B3035) => Dike?(t1 T).

     Description:	This refers to the class of all tanks.
     UnivElements:	(tu)

     Description:	This is any tank outside building 3035.
     UnivIsa:		(AnyTank)
     OutsideBldg:	B3035
     MyDefiningSlots:	(UnivIsa OutsideBldg)
     MyAssertionalSlots: (Diked?)
     Diked?:		T

Note this confusion is a linguistic problem, due to English's imprecision.

	***** Fact # 15.*****
15. Rain onto oil-contaminated soil causes oil flushing.

Back to events:

     Description:	This refers to rain on oil-contaminated soil.
     CausesE:		(Event#19)

     Description:	This refers to oil flushing.
     PossibleCausesE:	(Event#18 ...)

We could add the usual context -  eg rain on soil, which is more  specific
than rain on ground, which  is a special case  of water on solid  surface;
but such a digression should not be necessary anymore.

	***** Fact # 16.*****
16. The types of oil stored in building 3035 are X, Y, and Z.

     Isa:		(AnyBuilding)
     Description:	This refers to building 3035.
     HousesOils:	(X Y Z)

     Isa:		(AnyOil)
     HousedIn:		B3035

     Isa:		(AnyOil)
     HousedIn:		B3035

     Isa:		(AnyOil)
     HousedIn:		B3035

I suspect this question  was asking about some  trickier sort of thing  --
dealing perhaps  with quantities  of fluid  entities. However,  unable  to
determine what exactly that was, ...

	***** Fact # 17.*****
17. Buildings in WOC-6 basin are 3035, 3022, and 3195.

This fact could be physically stored on the WOC-6 unit,
if there is a great need for this particular fact.
Alternatively, it could be "virtually" there - that is, derivable whenever
anyone asks for this fact, but absent until then.
A way of combining both would use the "BuildingsInBasin" virtual slot, which
has an algorithm describing how to fill in its value:

     Isa:		(AnyOutFall)
     BuildingsInBasin:	(B3035 B3022 B3195)

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Definition:	[Here is a specification describing how to determine
			   the value of U:BuildingsInBasin, given U, a unit
			   which represents an outfall.]

	***** Fact # 18.*****
18. Container 86 has a capacity of 100 gallons and usually empties at a
	rate of 2 gallons/day.

The obvious question about this fact is what the "usually" modifier is meant
to mean. 

Interpretation 1: The emptying-rate is a function of the amount of fluid
	which is now in the container; and the average of all volumes 
	(perhaps weighted by the frequency of occurance) is 2 gallons/day.

Interpretation 2: Left to itself, the emptying rate will be 2 gallons/day.
	However, if some pump is extracting the content, that rate will be
	more; or if some pump is adding fluif, that rate will be less.

By cases, the solutions are

Case 1:

     Capacity:		  100 gallons
     EmptyingRate:	  ?
     CurrentFilledVolume: y

     Isa:	  (AnySlot)
     Definition:  [To compute U:EmptyingRate, apply Fn#803
			to U:CurrentFilledVolume.
			If this value is fairly stable, consider caching this value
			in U:EmptyingRate. Otherwise don't bother.]

Case 2:

     Capacity:		      100 gallons
     EmptyingRate:	      (SeeUnit EmptyingRateOfContainer86)
     MitigatingCircumstances: y

     Description:	This subunit is devoted to storing information about
			  the value of the EmptyingRate of Container86.
     *vaLue*:		?
     UsualValue:	2 gallons/day
     ToComputeValue:	[Examine Container86:MitigatingCircumstances to determine
			 whether the value should be the default, of 2 gallons/day,
			 or some other value.]

Note the existing retrieval functions will do the right things with this SeeUnit
pointer to a subunit. (The smarts for this is in the "SeeUnit" unit, of course.)

There is no reasons the above two cases could not be combined, if that is
called for.

	***** Fact # 19.*****
19. If the person doing the backtracking can no longer see the chemical, stop

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     OnTask:		BackTracking
     IfPotentiallyRelevant:	((Unknown 'SourceLocation))
     IfTrulyRelevant:	(AND [All potential sights have been checked]
			     [Chemical not found] )
     ThenTellUser:	"Lost the trace. Stop backtracking."
		"(Unless you are sure about all the locations you've reported, start
		 backtracking, in AI sense.)") )
     ThenControl:	[Terminate BackTracking task, with failure]

	***** Fact # 20.*****
20. If you want to find the source of the spill, select a person to look for it.

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     OnTask:		LocateSource
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: ((Unknown 'SourceLocation) )
     ThenAddToAgenda:	(SelectUser)

     Isa:		(AnyTask)
     Description:	This task is responsible for selecting some one to look for
			 the source of a spill.
     RuleSet:		...

	***** Fact # 21.*****
21. There is a trade-off between the severity of the hazard and the number of
	simultaneous tasks attempted:  the more severe, the more tasks.

[This is a trade off?]

Rather  than  explicitly  represent  this  relation,  I  would  prefer  to
de-compile this  down to  more  primitive facts:   For example,  we  could
assign an importance weight to the  task at hand; and use this  importance
weight to determine  the number  of simultaneous tasks  to attempt.   This
importance measure would, in turn, be based on the severity of the current
hazard -  to realize  the  above condition.   This  could be  stated  more
directly by  showing  that  the  severity-of-hazard  to  importance-weight
function is  monotonically  increasing;  as is  the  importance-weight  to
nummber-of-simultaneous-tasks function.  The  basic inferencing  algorithm
would then reason that their composition would be monotonic as well; which
is  the   "trade-off"   condition.    SeverityOfHazard   Isa:    (AnySlot)
Description:  This maps  a task to  a numeric value,  which indicates  how
severe the current hazard is.

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This maps a task to a numeric value, which indicates
			 how importance this task is to attempt/succeed.
     HighLevelDefn:	(Composition SH-IM SeverityOfHazard)
     Definition:	(λ (u) (SH-IM (GetValue u 'SeverityOfHazard))

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This indicate how many subtasks we can justify assigning
			 at once.
     Definition:	(λ (u) (IM-NoST (GetValue u 'ImportanceMeasure))

     Isa:		(AnyFunction)
     Description:	This function maps from SeverityOfHazard to
			 ImportanceMeasure, for a given task.
     Definition:	(λ (x) [...]
     Monotonic?		Increasing

     Isa:		(AnyFunction)
     Description:	This function maps from ImportanceMeasure
			 NumberOfSimulTasks, for a given task.
     Definition:	(λ (x) [...]
     Monotonic?		Increasing

	***** Fact # 22.*****
22. If two people's description of a spill are inconsistent, prefer the second

To represent:
∀ sd1, sd2 ε SpillDescript. AppliesTo(sd1 ThisProblem) & AppliesTo(sd2 ThisProblem)
	& Inconsistent(sd1 sd2) =>
	IF [(GetValue sd1 'TimeRecorded) > (GetValue sd2 'TimeRecorded)]
		THEN Believe( sd1 )
		ELSE Believe( sd2 ).

[This intentionally does NOT address the question of how to determine when
two descriptions are inconsistent.]

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This slot returns the single description to be believed.
     HighLevelDefn:	(ApplyingFn CAR (PutInOrder AllDescriptions TimeRecorded))

Note the  (PutInOrder  AllDescriptions TimeRecorded)  returns  a  function
which takes a unit, u, as an  argument, and returns a list of the  values,
(v1 ... vN), where each vi appeared in u:AllDescription, and where i>j  =>
vi:TimeRecorded > vj:TimeRecorded.   Taking the  CAR of  that returns  the
most recent description.

This also  does  not  consider  performing  this  process  only  when  two
descriptions are inconsistent - this could be acheived using the following

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     OnTask:		SpillCharacterization
     IfTrulyRelevant:	((Apply 'Inconsistent 'AllDescriptions))
     ThenModifyUnit:	[Use the value of uContext:MostRecentDescription rather
			 than uContext:AllDescriptions]

	***** Fact # 23.*****
23. The OHMTADS mnemonic for corrosiveness is "COR".

     Isa:		(AnyProperty)
     OHMTADSmnen:	"COR"

	***** Fact # 24.*****
24. Fuel oil spills often come from construction equipment.

     Description:	This says to suspect construction equipment if some
			 fuel oil is found.
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: ((Isa 'SpilledLiquid 'AnyFuelOil))
     IfAskUser:		"Has there been any construction equipment around there
     ThenTellUser:	"That piece of equipment might have spilt that oil."

We could first have written a general rule, which indicated
"IF	 SubstanceX is part of ObjectY,
     AND SubstanceX is found out of place
     AND ObjectY had been around that place
 THEN Suspect ObjectY is source of SubstanceX."

With this, some knowledge that spills are liquids out of place, and the following
units, we might have expected EURISKO to build up Rule#231.

     Description:	This describes the class of construction equipment.
     TypicalExample:	TypicalCE

     Description:	This refers to a typical piece construction equipment.
     TypicalExampleOf:	AnyConstructionEquipment
     Components:	[Fuel oil, nuts, bolts, ...]

3. A third solution uses Events:

     Description:	The event of construction equipment being around.
     PossiblyCausesE:	(Event#21)
     PossiblyCausesE*:	(Event#21 Event#22)

     Description:	The event of FUEL oil spilling from construction equipment.
     PossiblyCausedByE:	(Event#20)
     PossiblyCausesE:	(Event#22)
     GenlE:	      	(Event#14)
     Substance:	  	[Any fuel oil]
     FromLocation:	[Any piece of construction equipment]

     Description:	The event of finding a Fuel Oil Spills.
     PossiblyCausedByE:	(Event#21)

For context, we include the Event#14 which was used for Fact 6 also.

     Description:	The event of oil spilling from a machine.
     PossiblyCausedByE: (Event#13)
     GenlE:	      	(Event#17)
     Substance:	  	[Any oil]
     FromLocation:	[Any machine]

Finally, PossiblyCausesE* is the transitive closure of the PossiblyCausesE relation.

	***** Fact # 25.*****
25. Attempt to minimize the number of persons called on-site.

The general problem solving strategy is as follows:
1. Find all feasible solution plans.
2. Select the one the best plan, and execute that.

[Note this will be true for sub-parts of this plan as well.]
Step 2. can be done by the Definition of BestPlan -

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This selects from P:AllPlans (where P is a problem to be
			 solved) the best member -- ie the value of sεP:AllPlans
			 which maximizes the value of s:GoodNess
     HighLevelDefn:	(ApplyingFn MAX AllPlans)

This requires a sophisticated GoodNess slot -

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This assigns to each solution plan, s, a numeric value.
			  Note this measure varies from class of problem to class
			  of problem.
     HighLevelDefn:	(OneOf SpillProblemGoodNess ... )

     Isa:		(AnySlot)
     Description:	This assigns a numeric value to each SPILL solution plan, s.
     HighLevelDefn:	(VariesWith (ApplyingFn MINUS PeopleCalledOnSite) ...)
     Definition:	(λ (u ) [... when u refers to a spill problem, lower
			 u:GoodNess as u:PeopleCalledOnSite increases....]

Note - OneOf, VariesWith and ApplyingFn are all slot combiners,
which each does the appropriate thing.

Note this shows that ONE criteria for selection is consideration of the number
of people called on site (this PeopleCalledOnSite slot, of course, must be defined
as well.)

	***** Fact # 26.*****
26. If a heuristic calls for an action you can't currently perform, ignore
	the heuristic.

[Should we descriminate between heuristics & hard-and-fast rules?
I'm assuming not.]

The function which actually interprets the various rules is itself built from
(meta-)rules, which should include this one (at least when considering
each SPILL rule.)

     Isa:		(AnyMetaRule)
     IfPotentiallyRelevent: [Currently considered rule is for a Spill rule]
     IfTrulyRelevent:	[(CannotDo 'ThenDoAction)]
     ThenTellUser:	(CONCAT "I'm not even considering the " uThisRule
				" rule, as I can't perform its action, anyway.")
     ThenModifyRuleSet:	[Delete uThisRule from current rule set.]

AnyMetaRule ⊂ AnyRule

	***** Fact # 27.*****
27. If a hazardous substance has spilled, don't worry about human resource

Basically, this Rule#777 instructs the SpillProblemGoodNess to ignore the value
of the problem's PeopleCalledOnSite slot when the substance is hazardous.

     Isa:		(AnyRule)
     OnTasks:		[Every SPILL task]
     IfPotentiallyRelevant: ((Apply Harzardous? 'Substance) )
     ThenModifyUnit:	[Redefine PeopleCalledOnSite so it always returns